Maths is everywhere! You can make anything mathematical and that became quite clear during our schools first
Math’s Week.
Working in groups was a common theme for the week, as we worked to solve problems with a range of mathematical concepts. Starting off the week we participated in a Maths Trail. Not only did we get to bond with our mates from Donvale, but we also spread our wings into the Middle and Senior School Campus. At the end of the day, the points we gained from all of our activities were accumulated and winners were awarded some truly cool prizes.
Later in the week, after many hours of planning, the parents of 6D were privy to a complex mystery task as part of Math’s Open Morning. Similar to Escape Room puzzles, and using the lockboxes, the tasks involved thinking logically using the process of deduction, and a range of strategies to solve 5 problems. Read all about our experiences in the class blogs.